Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Origami Animals

Origami Animal

We are reading the book called 'Posted' by John David Anderson.  Rose is one of the main characters who  makes origami animals.  So I had a go at making origami animals. 

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

'Posted' by John David Anderson

In class  we have been reading the book 'Posted'.  We had to recreate what we thought Rose looked like.

Posted Splashzone

Posted Splash Zone

In class we are reading a book named 'Posted' by John David Anderson. Here is my splash zone drawing. The Splash zone is in the olden days before special effects come to be, they got an animals bladder full of  animal blood and hid it under their clothes.  During a fighting scene it would be punctured. Here is my drawing.

Thursday, 10 May 2018

'Posted' By John David Anderson

'Posted' by John David Anderson

For the book Posted I have made the medal that Frost won at the 13th Annual Branton School District Young Authors' Competition.

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

My Post of 'Posted' by John David Anderson

In class this week 3 friends and I made a Minecraft Branton Middle School from our book Posted,  here is a video of our School.